Opening Hours Mon - Thu 8.00am - 4.30pm
Fri 8.00am - 4.00pm

Rates Collection


Ba Town Council is expected to deliver many services and to provide an acceptable level of public amenities for the benefit of all ratepayers. It provides essential services such as waste management and community facilities and infrastructure such as parks, libraries and halls. Its main source of revenue is from town rates. This rate is based on the assessed value of each property on a fixed date for all rateable properties across the town area. The rate is based on the unimproved capital value of each property on fixed rates struck for all rateable properties across the town area.

How are Rates calculated

The Rates charged by the Ba Town Council is based on the Unimproved Capital value of the land. The value of the land is determined by the type of land the rate is being charged on. The different categories of land are as follows;
  • Residential Land
  • Commercial Land
  • Industrial Land
  • Civic Land
  • Educational Land
  • Special Land
The rate is calculated by multiplying the Unimproved Capital Value of the Land with the rate that is decided by the council during the preparation of the budget

For Example

After a valuation of your land is done by the Lands Department, which is done every ten years, the value of your land appreciates to $120,000 and the rate decided by the council is 0.0072. Here is how the rate payable will be calculated on your land

$120,000 * 0.0072 = $864

Therefore, the rate payable to the council on your land will be $864


Current Rate Levies

Type of RateRate Value
General Rate0.0072 (VEP in the dollar on the U.C Value)
Special Rate0.00293333 (VEP in the dollar on the U.C Value)
Agriculture Rate10% (Of General
and Special Rates VEP)
Garbage Fees$24.00 (per extra bin per Year) 1 bin is free per lot

Please Note: Interest rate at 11% per annum will be charged on rates arrears. Legal action will be instigated in accordance with section 78[2] of the Local Government Act,Cap.125 to recover the arrears of rates with interest and costs.


Payment Option

In Person

The payment can be done at the Ba Town Council Building, Ground Floor to the cashier during office hours;

Monday to Thursday from 8am to 4pm, Friday from 8am to 4pm

Direct Deposit

Rates can also be deposited directly into our bank account with the below details;









Please note to quote the Assessment Number while making payments directly to Bank.

M Paisa

Please use the below steps to make payments through M Paisa; 


1. Login on to your M Paisa mobile app


2. Scroll down to Business Payments and click on City Council


3. Select the Town or City Council


 4. Select Town Rates 


5. Enter the following details and click on next.


6. Enter your PIN and click on confirm payment.

Please Note: Please take a screenshot of the Receipt that generates after the transaction has processed or note down the Receipt number for reference purpose.

For any further enquiries, please contact the Rates Staff on 6674277 or e-mail on

Change of Mailing Address

Please e-mail
The Chief Executive Officer
Ba Town Council
PO Box 184

Connect With Us

Ba Town Council © 2022. All Rights Reserved