Opening Hours Mon - Thu 8.00am - 4.30pm
Fri 8.00am - 4.00pm

5R Program

The 5R Program – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle are used to minimize waste generation in Ba

There are certain programs based on these 5R’s such as;

Clean School Programs – this program is conducted every year in both Rural and Urban schools whereby at the end of the program, the schools are     judged based on a standard criteria and awards are presented in each categories to the schools to encourage their initiative towards having a clean environment and reducing waste

Market Composting  – is also carried out whereby all the green waste collected from the Ba Market vendors are being composed to get manure which are sold and also used in the gardens of Ba Town Council

Home Composts Bins  – these compost bins are sold at a subsidized price of $30 per bin whereby residents can do home composting using their kitchen waste and get manure for their home gardens for free

Paper Disposal – council office papers are being collected by the waste recyclers rather than being dumped at the Maururu landfill site. Some schools are also using the waste recyclers to dispose their paper waste

Connect With Us


Nukudrala By-pass Road, Tabua Place,
Ba Town,  Fiji Islands

P.O. Box 184, Ba
Opening Hours:

Mon – Thu: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm

Ba Town Council © 2022. All Rights Reserved